Vaja possess an extremely user friendly experience that almost anyone can fall in love with. The versatility and diversity that this app possess is truly one of a kind. Vaja has a function for math heavy people in which they may run simulations on the stock market and functions for everyday people such as writing letters or looking up recipes.
The part in which amazes me the most would be the complex web of connections that our code utilizes. A variable labelled UX is the backbone of our product in which changing the UX changes the text on the app. This allows us to change what the user see's according to what they do on the app. The complexity and usefulness of this method of coding is very quick to implement but hard to master.
Vaja appeals to almost every consumer and possess extremely fruitful rewards if used correctly. Mastering our stock market app would allow user's to implement this information towards the real stock market in order to gain money. For those that don't want to get into business Vaja possess quick recipes for user's to make a quick meal with what they have. If none of those appeal to users, Vaja also possess a writing function in which users may write letter to friends and family alike.
The hardest part personally for me would be learning how the UX method works across all of the different .java files. Using a variable to change what appears on the screen as well as applying javafx into our program posed extremely difficult and time consuming to sort out.
If we were to continue improving our app I would suggest to add even more functions that would appeal to an even larger audience as well as improving what we already have. Perhaps we could improve the stock market app in order to make it more understandable for the average consumer and also add more options within the leftover function and writing function.
The parts that I aided in were adding functions towards the user interface in in which I developed some of the user experience connecting to the stock market. I then aided in the development and implementation of the writing function.