I think our product is the best because it is more than just an app. It is a whole package of interesting functions that put on display creative ideas. This uniqueness is what makes me the most proud of our project. The fact that it combines old concepts with new goals is one of the things I think make this endeavor remarkable and worth trying. Not only can it prove entertaining, it can also yield some interesting ideas for future projects to anyone using it. These qualities were reached after overcoming several obstacles. Personally, one of these hurdles was finding an algorithm capable of turning previous prices into a decision about what to buy and in what quantity. Though this was the most challenging problem, if I were to continue developing the project, this is where I would work the most. It seems the place where many different methods of attack can find an implementation and thus provide interesting solutions. Naturally, this continuing developing effort would be concentrated on the StockMarket, Matrix, and Brain classes because, having written them, they are the most familiar to me and I am well aware of the many places I could improve them.
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